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Scandalizing the CEO--A Workplace Romance Page 10
Scandalizing the CEO--A Workplace Romance Read online
Page 10
She, too, should be more wary of office romances, especially after the way Mark Pennington had used her before disappearing and smearing her name in the process. And yet, she could barely take her eyes off Keaton as they shared the platters of food. Wariness be damned, she thought. Every now and then, life threw chances your way and if you were too scared to reach out and grab them, you deserved to get nothing in the end. With that in mind, she decided to force Keaton to talk—really talk—about their time in Sedona, especially that kiss. She felt as if it was an elephant in the room every day at work and she wanted to deal with it head-on and get it out of the way for good.
“This is good, huh?” she asked, opening the conversation again.
“So good. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. I imagine you’re just the same.”
“Are you referring to my obscenely huge appetite back in Sedona,” she said with a smile.
There, she’d done it. She’d injected Sedona into the conversation. Now, to keep it on track.
“Hey, nothing obscene about a healthy appetite,” he said, helping himself to more of the shrimp dish.
“I really enjoyed the trip there and meeting some of the DR Construction team. Making those connections has really helped with sharing information these past couple of weeks. What would you say your favorite part of the whole experience was?”
She stared at him expectantly.
“I’d say the kayaking on the river. I know those rapids were child’s play in the grand scheme of things, but it was fun. I bet your favorite part was the zip lining, am I right?” He grinned at her and waited for her reply.
“No, actually. While that really ranked up there, there’s another moment that meant a lot to me.”
“Oh, what was that?”
His fork halted halfway to his mouth and he watched her, waiting for her to explain.
“It was when you kissed me.”
She felt the air between them thicken and Keaton slowly lowered his fork to his plate.
“Tami, I—”
She raised a finger to silence him. “Please, hear me out. I know you felt as if you went too far—I can understand that. I also know why you probably don’t want to enter into a new office romance.”
“Ah, so the office grapevine has been working as efficiently as ever, I see,” he said with no small amount of irritation.
“That aside, I feel like the whole situation has put some kind of invisible wall between us. And it’s one that needs to come down if we’re to be able to continue to work efficiently together. I don’t want you to feel as if you have to walk on eggshells around me. I won’t deny that your kiss totally blew me away. It did. And if I had the chance to repeat it, I’d grab it with both hands.” She smiled. “Kind of like the way I’d like to grab you. I can and do accept that you feel it’s inappropriate for us to have a relationship, but can we at least have some semblance of friendship? You know, figure out a way to accept we’re attracted to one another and work around it, anyway?”
Keaton leaned back in his chair and took his time responding. She was beginning to worry she’d gone too far with her honesty, but then he leaned forward again and, to her surprise, he took her hand from where it rested on the table and held it in his.
“I don’t want to be friends with you, Tami. I want more than that, way more, but by your own admission you can see why that wouldn’t work for us.”
She curled her fingers around his and squeezed gently. “I know, but we can do much better than we’ve been doing, can’t we?”
“Of course we can,” he agreed and let go of her hand.
It was a start, she conceded. Maybe not quite the start she’d hoped for, but he’d admitted he wanted more than friendship. It was his own stubborn personal rules that were holding him back. Okay, she could respect that. It wouldn’t be easy, but at least they had it out in the open.
When their meal was done, Keaton booked a ride share to take them home. As they waited in the cold outside the restaurant, a chilling wind blew off the lake and Tami shivered a little. She was startled when Keaton put his arm around her and drew her closer to his body.
“We don’t both need to freeze,” he said by way of explanation. “Why don’t you snuggle into me a bit more. We’ve still got a few minutes before the car will be here.”
“Or we could wait inside the restaurant lobby?” she suggested perversely.
She turned into him so they were chest-to-chest, and could already feel the heat of his body permeating her suit and seeping in to her skin to warm her up. He looked back and the movement caused cold air to filter in between them.
“Not with that massive line of people waiting for tables,” he said. “Looks like you’ll have to make do with me instead, or freeze. Friends, remember? We have to look out for each other.”
“I...” She hesitated a moment, afraid that all her longing would coalesce into whatever she said next. “I’ll make do with you.”
He laughed, and the movement of his chest made her nipples rub against the cups of her bra and stand to attention. Mortification filled her. What if he noticed? Her blouse and suit were designed for a climate-controlled office, not a cold March Seattle night. At least she could always put it down to the cold, right? Even though her body’s reaction had nothing to do with the temperature and everything to do with him.
He checked his phone again. “Hmm, our ride must be stuck in traffic. Looks like we’ll be waiting a while longer. You okay with that?”
His breath was warm against the top of her head and she nodded, barely trusting herself to speak.
“Why don’t you wrap your arms around my waist?” he suggested.
“Are you sure?” she asked, surprised.
“Hey, it’s cold. I’m doing the right thing by my employee in keeping her warm, aren’t I?”
“Whatever you say, boss,” she said as lightly as she could, but her voice broke on the last word.
Even though every particle of her body urged her to take him at his word, she took her time hugging more deeply into his body. He was right, though. Their shared warmth made a difference. Keaton slipped his phone back into his jacket pocket and closed his arms around her, too. To anyone watching, they’d look like any other loving couple on the side of the road, but Tami was all too aware that they were not a couple, no matter how much they’d cleared the air at dinner.
After another few minutes, she realized that she was not the only one being physically affected by their nearness. There was a distinct pressure against her lower belly. She must have moved slightly because she felt a puff of air escape Keaton’s lips.
“Sorry,” he said in a strangled voice. “Can’t help nature.”
“Would you like me to move?” she asked, leaning back a little and angling her head up to look at his face.
Trouble was, her movement saw her pelvis press in a little more firmly against his lower regions and the contact sent a spiral of longing deep to her core.
“Tami, I...” He sucked in a harsh breath. “It seems that no matter how hard I try, I just can’t resist you.”
He looked down at her and she watched as a tumult of emotions crossed his face. First, helplessness, then a little frustration, and finally, acceptance, which was quickly followed by what she privately called his decision expression. When he bent his head toward her she knew what was coming. Knew it, ached for it, welcomed it.
His lips closed on hers, the pressure at first soft and gentle, then she opened her lips in response and kissed him back with all the longing she’d bottled up since they’d left Sedona and with deeper demand. Her fingers tightened on the fine cotton of his shirt and beneath them she felt the muscles of his back. His strong hands pressed her more firmly against him and she relished the heat of his body against her torso. His tongue stroked hers and right now, everything about her focused on that point of their bodies. It
all began and ended with Keaton in that moment. It was only when a car horn sounded beside them that she remembered where they were.
Keaton was breathing heavily as he wrenched his lips from hers.
“It’s our ride.”
She started to pull away, but he stopped her.
“Before we get in the car, I just want to say something. I won’t apologize for that kiss and I won’t pretend it didn’t happen. These past two weeks have been torture and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the last time we kissed. I’ve tried to fight it, but it’s a losing battle. In fact, it’s a battle I want to cede. The hell with being friends. I want you, Tami. I want to make love to you, I want to lose myself in you, and see you lose yourself in me, so we can forget for a while. I won’t hold it against you if you say no. I will respect whatever decision you make, but when we get in that car, do I give the driver both of our addresses, or just mine?”
She hesitated a few seconds, her insides jumping with a weird combination of heated desire and a healthy dose of caution. If they did this, it would change everything about their working relationship. Everything about them. It was a line she had told herself she would never cross again, and she believed Keaton had felt the same way. And now they felt the same about each other. She took a deep breath.
“Thank you,” he said, and kissed her fiercely on the top of her head.
Keaton took her hand and led her to the car, opening the door for her and following her into the back seat. Their driver wished them a good evening, then focused on his route while Tami and Keaton sat, fingers entwined and bodies humming with anticipation, as they traveled the dark streets to his apartment building on the other side of the lake. The journey didn’t take long, which was just as well, Tami told herself. She wasn’t certain if it was because she was grasping this opportunity with both hands to show Keaton how much she felt for him, or because if the journey had taken any longer she might have changed her mind.
But she’d spent too much time regretting her choices and her actions in life, and she was determined to take this night to express how her feelings for him had developed. Even if she never said the words, she would show Keaton with every breath, every touch, every thought she was capable of, how much she admired him and how much he meant to her. She knew he was an honorable man—the way he conducted himself at work was a prime example. That she was less honorable was something she’d have to sweep under a metaphorical rug for now and hope against hope that their lovemaking tonight would show him the real Tami. The one who wanted to belong. The one who wanted to love freely. The one who would be loyal without question if only given the chance.
Tension vibrated off Keaton in waves as they traveled up in the elevator to his penthouse suite. The minute they were through the door, he pressed her against the wall and hungrily kissed her again. Tami tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him to her, not wanting to let him go. She felt his hands at the lapels of her jacket and let go of him only long enough for him to peel the garment from her shoulders and down her arms, and then she was touching him again. His fingers were nimble on the buttons of her blouse and it fell open, revealing the simple balconette bra she wore beneath it.
Maybe she should have splashed out on something more elaborate, indulged herself, but judging by the expression on his face as he looked at her creamy skin swelling above the pale pink cups rimmed with the merest froth of lace, she knew it wouldn’t have made any difference.
“I want to touch you,” he said in a voice that had grown deep with longing. “Everywhere.”
“I want you to touch me, too,” she answered.
He bent to press his lips against the swell of one breast and inhaled.
“You smell so damn good,” he murmured against her skin.
“Why am I still wearing too many clothes?” she said with a small laugh.
He snorted in response and she felt his hands move around her ribs to the fastening of her bra. In seconds, he had it loose and he tugged her blouse and bra free of her breasts, exposing them to his hungry gaze. Tami felt her nipples tighten in response and an ache filled her, an ache that she knew would only be assuaged by his touch, his possession. And she ached to touch him, too.
“We’re both wearing too many clothes,” Keaton murmured with a smile as he straightened to his full height. “Come with me. We’re not doing this in my entranceway.”
This turned out to be a slow disrobing of one another in the dimness of his bedroom, while outside the city lights glittered below them. Tami felt goose bumps rise on her skin as he divested her of her last item of clothing and she stood naked in front of him. Her eyes roamed his naked form. She’d already known he was beautifully chiseled from watching him while they rock-climbed, with strong arms and a flat stomach and powerful legs, but seeing him completely naked was enough to rob her of coherent thought.
His erection jutted proudly from a nest of dark blond hair and she stepped forward, feeling the heat of him against her bare body before they even touched.
“You’re beautiful,” she whispered, lifting one hand to trace the muscles of his upper arms, then his chest, then lower.
“Beautiful...no. That word is reserved for you,” he said gruffly.
He lifted his hand to her hair and slowly pulled out each pin that held it in the tight roll that she wore for work every day. He filtered his fingers through her locks, shaking them loose from the confines of the brutally tight twist, and massaged her scalp.
“There, that’s better,” he said.
Then his hands dropped to her shoulders and he carefully edged her back toward the bed. They stopped when the back of her legs made contact and he coaxed her down onto the broad surface, letting his fingers drift softly over her, back and forth and back and forth, until she was squirming with need.
“Come to me,” she said. “I want to touch you, too.”
“Next time,” he answered. “For now I want to revel in you. Let me make you mindless. Let me chase away the shadows I see in your eyes every day.”
His words were a balm to her soul and she allowed him his wish. His hands were gentle and soft at first, then sure and firm as he explored her shoulders, her arms, her breasts and then, finally, her hips and upper thighs. She was wet with longing and let her legs drop open as his touch skimmed her mound. The palm of his hand brushed against her clitoris and it was as if he’d set off an electrical surge through her body. She felt her hips lift off the bed as she sought the release she so desperately wanted.
“You like that, huh?” he murmured softly. “Let’s see if you like this more.”
He skimmed her again before shifting his touch to between her legs. His fingers probed her, and then, slick with her wetness, he slid one finger inside her body. Her inner muscles clenched on the welcome invasion, but still it wasn’t enough.
“More...of you. I need more,” she begged.
“Your wish is my command.”
She felt the mattress dip a little as he shifted over her and heard the tear of a foil packet as he took care of protection. Tami reached for him as he positioned himself between her legs.
“I had planned to take a little longer over this,” he said with a rueful smile.
“Next time,” she said. “Now, please—now.”
He maintained eye contact as he guided his erection to her entrance. She moaned as he teased her by nudging her with his swollen tip.
“More,” she demanded, her voice guttural with need.
And then he gave her more, and more, and more. Over and over until she lost all sense of being and plummeted over the edge of here and now and into a realm of pleasure the likes of which she’d rarely known before. She hooked her legs around his hips, not wanting him to stop even as the pulsing waves of her climax pounded through her. When Keaton came, his entire body went rigid, his muscles straining as he groaned
in relief, his hips surging against her as if he could never get deep enough, be part of her enough, before easing to a halt.
He collapsed against her and she relished the weight of his body on hers, the scent of his skin, the throb of his heart as it beat in unison with hers. Tami clung to his shoulders as though he was the only thing keeping her anchored at this point in time. And maybe he was. Her world had been in turmoil for weeks and this moment with him had been the most real and grounding experience of her life. He might have suggested it as respite, but Tami knew that, for her, at least, it was so much more than that.
Keaton rolled to one side, taking her with him. His gray eyes were solemn as he stared at her.
“This changes everything, Tami, you know that.”
“Shh,” she said, placing her forefinger on his lips. “Let’s not analyze this. Let’s just take tonight...for us. Everything else can wait.”
He was silent a moment, then nodded. “Okay. Let’s take tonight. I’ll be right back.”
He rolled off the bed and walked through to what she assumed was an en suite bathroom. When he returned she let her eyes roam over the contours of his body. He truly was magnificent. And, for tonight, he was hers and she didn’t plan to waste a minute of it.
Tami watched as the digital clock changed from 4:59 to 5:00. She’d been watching each minute roll over for the past hour and no matter how much she thought and worried and obsessed, nothing had changed.
Trust meant everything to Keaton, and she’d taken all he could give her and she was about to throw it all back in his face. It had been selfish to accept his lovemaking, she knew that. And the truth she had to share with him would shred any chance they had of having a relationship or any kind of future together. She had to do it—she had to tell him. She couldn’t go forward with the ugly truth of her reason for working for him being kept hidden away.